Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Monsoon Mission

Topic: Monsoon Mission
Q. What is Monsoon Mission?
Ans. The ESSO has launched the Monsoon Mission for improving the predictability of the Indian Monsoon. Better monsoon prediction will help the Nation in taking advance action in preparing for the agricultural and other impacts of the monsoon.
Q. Q. What are the main features of Monsoon Mission?
Ans. It consists of two sub-themes- Seasonal and Intra-seasonal Monsoon Forecast and Medium Range Forecast. The mission will support focused research by national and international research groups with definitive objectives and deliverables to improve models in the medium range as well as in the extended and seasonal range scales through setting up of a framework for generating dynamical forecasts and improving skill of forecasts. The Mission will also support observational programs that will result in better understanding of the processes.
Under the Mission, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) will coordinate and lead the effort for improving the forecasts on seasonal and intra seasonal scale. National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF) will lead and coordinate the efforts for improving the forecasts in the medium range scale. These will be made operational by the India Meteorological Department (IMD). In a bid to improve the skill of the forecasts in various temporal and spatial ranges, proposals will be invited from national as well as international Institutes on very specific projects and deliverables. These partners will be allowed to use the HPC facility at IITM and NCMRWF which will be suitably enhanced for the purpose. A National Steering group is being put in place to steer the program and review the progress of the mission.

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