Saturday, July 13, 2013


Oncology - Science that deals withTumors.
Epidemiology - Study of Epidemic Diseases.
Agriculture - Culture of all cultures.
Agronomy - Agros = field+ nomous = cultivation i.e. Art of growing crops.
Aeronautics - Science of flight of aeroplanes.
Anatomy - Structure of Human body. (Plant anatomy=Structure ofplant)
Arboriculture - Cultivation of trees and vegetables.
Astronomy - Study of heavenly bodies.
Biology - Science of living body.
Botany - Science of plant life.
Chemistry - Composition and properties of various elements in nature.
Cryptography - Secret writing.
Cyrogenics - Concerned with the production, control and application of very low temperatures.
Cytogenetics - Cell formation.
Cytology - Dealing with cells.
Entomology - Insects studies.
Exbiology - Science dealing with life or possibilities of life existing beyond the earth.
Floriculture - Flowers cultivation.
Geology - Condition and structure of the earth.
Horticulture - Art of garden cultivation

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